eSES Mission, Vision & Strategy


The development and advancement of technology for the benefit of humanity.


To encourage and support underepresented communities, diversifying the skill pool within technology for the expansion of solutions and approaches in the field.




To represent and incorporate individuals or communities that face difficulty or barriers in pursuing careers in technology.
To expose the value of human experience, encouraging variety and diverging cognitive skills to broaden understanding and creativity.
To augment the advancement of technology by encouraging and supporting underrepresented individuals to contribute, collaborate and enrich the field of technology through the dissemination of life experience.

Core Values

Collaboration – Working together and encouraging the partnership with other organizations and individuals
Education – Contributing to the nurturing of talented specialists
Serving the Society – Working towards the solution of the world’s most complex challenges
Inclusion and Equality – Respecting the differences, valuing diversity
Excellence – Aspiring the highest level of performance

كتاب قبيلة الجميلة القيسية الهلالية