2012 Conference Home


5th – 7th September 2012

The global race for knowledge is accelerating and the international competition for talents, technologies and market leadership will continue to intensify during next decade.

Global challenges such as climate change, demographic development, the spread of common diseases, shortages in the global food supply and the finiteness of fossil raw materials and energy sources require viable solutions. These can only be provided with the help of research and new technologies and through the dissemination of innovations.

Enormous scientific and economic potential have to be exploited for and with computerised systems and procedures. Nowadays, IT industries and robotics exploit the electronic media in order to offer effective and sophisticated – sometimes unique – solutions to a wide range of real-world applications, and to an impressive large number of users.

A special character of this conference is given by the noble specific of the eSensors Enginnering  application: health, education, culture etc. Unanimously accepted, today almost a truism, innovation and research development in this rapidly evolving area of e-Systems has typically been reported on as part of cognate fields such as, for example: Information and Communications Technology, Computer Science, Systems Science, Social Science and engineering.

Papers are invited on all aspects of eSystem Engineering, modelling and applications, to be presented at a three day conference in Bucharest, Romania. Authors will have their submissions reviewed by international experts and accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings published by the Conference Publication Services (CPS) for worldwide presence. DeSE12– as all previous editions – is an event that will provide authors with an outstanding opportunity for networking and presenting their work at an international conference. The organizers will offer opportunities for professional discussion, socialising and sightseeing. Also, they will be very happy to establish good communications with professional associations, to identify end-users demands and to stimulate new ideas. Students and Young researchers are welcome and their participation will be stimulated.

DeSE12 Conference topics include but not limited to: eSystems Design and Modelling, eLearning, eSystems and AI, eBusiness and Management, eGovernment systems, development and evaluation, eHealth and eMedicine, eScience and Technology, eEntertainment and Creative Technologies, eSecurity and eForensics, eBuilt Environment, system usability, human factors, reliability issues and eSystem Evaluation.

Organizing of special sessions for new categories of applications is welcome. Applications for such sessions – including topic short presentation, a concentrated justification and a short preliminary list of contributions – have to address to organizers.
