Robotics, AI, Sensors and Industry 4.0
9th-11th January 2023
The American University in Baghdad (AUiB)
Baghdad, Iraq
12th January 2023
The University of Anbar
Anbar, Iraq
The 15th International Conference on the Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE2022) will continue the success of the previous DeSE conferences. This year, the conference is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. The conference is hosted by the American University in Baghdad, and locally organised by the University of Technology and the University of Anbar. Due to technical challenges, the date of the conference have been changed to the 9th-12th of January 2023.
About DeSE2022
DeSE2022 will provide a leading forum for disseminating the latest results in eSystem Development, AI, Sensors, and Industry 4.0.
Currently a high level of interest is being generated through the development of a wide end varied range of eSystems. There are many high profile projects, all around the world, seeking to transfer many services and facilities into state-of-the-art electronic technologies.
Message to Authors
DeSe2022 has fanilised the publication of DeSe proceedings with IEEE Xplore and the IEEE copyright. Copyright will be integrated into EDAS system shortly.
As soon as the IEEE copyright is successfully joined with EDAS (this is performed by EDAS technical team, they are working on that) we will inform you and send you the instructions on further steps (PDF Xpress verification and final manuscript submission). The template for the presentation will be sent with the instructions.
- For signing the copyright and uploading the final version of the paper into IEEE server, please follow the following Guidelines.
Conference topics
The conference is aimed to address current research issues in the design, engineering and adoption of eSystems. DeSE2022 conference comprises of stimulating tracks:
- Advanced Robotics
- Nanomaterials and Energy
- Sensors, Sensors Applications and Sensors Platforms
- Internet of Everything and its Applications
- AI and its Applications
- Biomedical Intelligence, Image Processing and Medical Imaging & Clinical Data Analysis
- Bio-informatics, Health Informatics, and Bio-Computing
- Computational intelligence
- Decision Support Systems
- Genetic Algorithms
- Novel Data Processing and Analytics, Tools and Systems
- Big Data Systems, Mining and Management, Tools and Applications
- Machine Learning, Web-based Decision Making
- Deep Learning Methods and Techniques
General Session:eSystems EngineeringDeSE proceedings 2008-2020are indexed by SCOPUS and Web of ScienceAuthors of DeSE2020
We are also happy to inform you that DeSE2020 proceedings have been published in IEEE Xplore, please refer to the following link