Dese Conference 2025

AI and Industry 4.0 for a Sustainable World

10th - 12th of November 2025

Bucharest, Romania

The 18th International Conference on the Developments in eSystems Engineering (DeSE2025) will continue the success of the previous DeSE conferences, that was established by back in year 2008. 

About DeSE2025

DeSE is an international core ranked non-profit conference that disseminates the latest knowledge in eSystem Developments including; Artificial Intelligence (AI), Intelligent Systems Applications, Evolutionary Computations, Fuzzy Systems, Neural Networks, Bioinformatics and Bioengineering, robotics, Smart Applications, Sensors and other related subjects that support Industry 4.0. and related to AI, Emergent Technologies, Cognitive and Development Systems, Intelligent Computation and Machine Learning.

We are very proud that back in 2009, the father of Fuzzy Logic (Professor Lotfi A. Zadeh), was the keynote speaker of DeSE2009 conference. 

LoftiAZadeh The technical sponsorship is with proceedings that have been published annually by IEEE explore since the start of DeSE back in 2008.  DeSE2024 organising committee have been involved in minimum 10 years organisation experience. Hence, the organising committee have been involved since 2008 in different series of DeSE.

DeSE2024 will provide a leading forum for disseminating the latest results in eSystem Development, AI, Sensors, and Industry 4.0.
Currently a high level of interest is being generated through the development of a wide end varied range of eSystems. There are many high profile projects, all around the world, seeking to transfer many services and facilities into state-of-the-art electronic technologies.

Conference topics

The conference is aimed to address current research issues in the design, engineering and adoption of eSystems. DeSE2024 conference comprises of stimulating tracks:

Middle East Sponsors