Barry Allen, St. George Hospital, (AUS)
Ana Bernardos, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, (Spain)
Raouf Boutaba, University of Waterloo, (CA)
Marcus Brunner, NEC Europe Ltd., (Germany)
Giacomo Cabri, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, (Italy)
Paul Fergus, Liverpool John Moores University, (UK)
Lowerence Foweather, Liverpool John Moores University, (UK)
Lisandro Granville, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, (Brazil)
Femida Gwadry-Sridhar, University of Western Ontario (Candada)
John Haggerty, University of Salford, (UK)
Mark Hawley, University of Sheffield, (UK)
Aravind Kailas, University of North Carolina Charlotte, (USA)
Mario Kolberg, University of Stirling, (UK)
Alar Kuusik, ELIKO Technology Competence Centre, (Estonia)
Fedor Lehocki, Slovak University of Technology, (Slovak Republic)
Panos Liatsis, City Univeristy London, (UK)
David Llewellyn-Jones, Liverpool John Moores University, (UK)
Marilyn Marilyn, McGee-Lennon University of Glasgow, (UK)
Madjid Merabti, Liverpool John Moores University, (UK)
Hussein Mouftah, University of Ottawa, (CA)
Subhas Mukhopadhyay, Massey University, (NZ)
Alar Kuusik, Tallinn University of Technology, (EE)
Ella Pereira, Edge Hill University, (UK)
Rubem Pereira, Liverpool John Moores University, (UK)
Carsten Roecker,RWTH Aachen University, (Germany)
Michael Rosenberg, University of Western Australia, (AUS)
Gourab Sen Gupta, Massey University, (NZ)
Gareth Stratton, LJMU (UK)
Geoff West, Curtin University of Technology (Australia)