Intelligent Control of Industrial Applications

October 9, 2019 from 9:00 am to 10:30 am

Session Chairs

Session Chair: Assistant Prof. Dr. Khalaf S GaeidSession Co-Chair: Dr. Mehdi J Marie


DTC Controller Variable Speed Drive of Induction Motor with Signal Processing Technique Khalaf Salloum Gaeid
Intelligent Controller for 7-DOF Manipulator Based upon Virtual Reality Model Yousif Ismail Mohammed
Hybrid Intelligent Formation Control Using PSO_GEN Mehdi Marie
Robust Control Synthesis for Mechatronic Systems Using Observers Igor Olegovich Spiridonov
Synthesis of Nonlinear Control Law for Car Hydraulic Suspension with Regard Kinematic Constraints Alexander Synitsin
Face Drawing by KUKA 6 Axis Robot Manipulator Maxim Pichkalev