Sustainable Engineering & Technology

October 8, 2019 from 2:15 pm to 4:15 pm

Session Chairs

Session Chair: Professor Dr. Khalid NajimSession Co-Chair: Asst.Prof.Dr.  Ameer A. Hilal


Robust Mixed H2/H∞ Control Synthesis for Electro-Optical Device Line-of-Sight Stabilization System Rustem Fayzutdinov
Improvement of Inspection System for Damages in R.C Concrete Bridge by Using Knowledge Base System Yousif Mansoor
Assessment Strength Properties of Modified Reactive Powder Concrete by Adding Waste Bricks Vian Mohammed
Rheological Properties and Mechanical Strength of Recycled Concrete Aggregate SCC Ghassan A. Hammadi
Investigating the Use of Cement Kiln Dust (CKD) in Producing Alkali Activated Concrete Saif Saad Mansoor
Fresh and Mechanical Properties of Self-Compacting Lightweight Concrete Containing Ponza Aggregates Abdulkader Ismail Al-Hadithi