Kremlevskaya 35 building entrance

Opening Ceremony
Room 1

Keynote Speech
Room 1



Invited Talk
Room 1 Prof. Zakaria Maamar Zayed University

Invited Talk
Room 1 Hoshang Kolivand Liverpool John Moores University

Parallel Session
Room 2 Education 4.0 and Industry 4.0

Parallel Session
Room 1 Service Robotics

Parallel Session
Room 3 Human Machine Interaction

Parallel Session
Room 5 Main Track

Parallel Session
Room 4 Digital Media: Augmented ad Virtual Reality

Parallel Session
Room 4 Intelligent and Innovative Data Science Methodology to Support Real-World Applications

Parallel Session
Room 3 Ultra wide band communication With Robotics & Sensors

Last Modified: August 23, 2019