Special Session 14

The implication of Generative AI in Education

This special session is organised and supported by academic scholars from the University of Sharjah, UAE. 

Session Chair:

  • Dr. Raghad Alshabandar, Iraqi prime minister office-Consultant Office for Scientific and Academic Affairs and Artificial Intelligence, Iraq.

Session Co-Chair:

  • Dr. Sohaib Majzoub, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE
  • Dr. Mostafa Waleed Hashem Alani, Aliraqia University, Iraq & Tuskegee University, USA
  • Dr. Dhafar Abd, University of Anbar, Iraq

Scientific Committee:

  • Prof. Abir Hussain, University of Sharjah, Sharjah, UAE

  • Dr. Sadiq H Abdulhussain, University of Baghdad, Iraq

  • Dr. Wasiq Khan, Liverpool John Moores, Liverpool, UK


This special session aims to uncover the impact of generative AI on education practically focused on the new era of education chatbot such as ChatGPT. The generative AI demonstrated its potential in providing personalized learning, automating administrative tasks, and providing individualized feedback. It also assists educators in creating interactive learning resources that align with the needs of students’ preferences. However, there is some concern surrounding the implication of Chatbot in education, one of the main critical concerns is ethical issues pertaining to plagiarism and copyright violations.
Another problem associated with generative AI in education is relevant to generative AI is critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Generative AI can deliver comprehensive details for any given task, potentially discouraging students from engaging in independent research and investigation. This special session will look at the latest research papers investigating the use of chatbot in education and related topics.


The topics of this session include, but are not limited to, a wide range of areas in computer science such as:

  • Applications of AI in education
  • Generative AI and education.
  • Ethical issues using Generative AI in education.
  • Personalized intelligent learning system
  • Use Cases of Generative AI in educational filed.
  • The Generative AI regulation in higher education

Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (not exceeding 6 pages) conform to the IEEE format . All papers will be handled and processed electronically via the EDAS online submission system.