Disruptive legal technologies: demystifying AI and technologies used in the industry of law

This special session is organised and supported by  the following educational partners

Partners: The following are the organisation partners for this session 

Session Chair:
Dr. Amie Weedon
Session Co-Chair/s:
Session Committee:
– Tara McKeown,
– Mike Hankey,
– Mickael Bevan,
– Robert Bennett ?

Artificial intelligence (AI) has grown in popularity and adoption over the last ten years and presents the biggest commercial opportunity in the worlds rapidly changing economy with an exception to grow to a market value of £232 billion by 2030 in the UK alone.
In the eyes of the law, many lawyers remain comfortable relying on the methods and solutions that were designed years ago but AI can play a big part in changing the way lawyers operate and the ways in which law is looked at.
Whilst AI has begun investing itself into the legal system, it has only just scratched the surface of capability with 16% of lawyers from a Tech Survey report predicting that AI would become mainstream in the legal profession within the next 3 years.
Used for fraud analytics, reviewing documentation and cases and legal research through automated services; we acknowledge that technology and AI are often referred to interchangeably – AI being the ‘buzz’ word for technology adoption within the law industry.
In this special session, we wish to discuss how the terms AI and technology differ, de-composing and ‘demystifying’ them and presenting market informed, research-driven findings from industry and academic leaders focusing on the law space.
Therefore, This special session will discuss the following topics:
· AI and ethics
· Predictive policing e.g. data mining to predict where and when crime takes place.
· Process automation in law
·  Machine learning methodologies in the courtroom.
·  Predicting outcomes using AI
· AI-based legal research software
· Legal analytics and reasoning
·  Ethical, legal and human-rights issues with using AI in law.
· Algorithms and the law

· Perception of AI in law
Paper Submission:
Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers (not exceeding 6 pages) conform to the IEEE format. All papers will be handled and processed electronically via the EDAS online submission system.