Special Issues Journals 2021

Selected papers will be invited to submit to one of the following international journals:

Sensors Journal

Sensors is the leading international, peer-reviewed, open access journal on the science and technology of sensors and biosensors. Sensors is published monthly online by MDPI. Sensors special issue journal is indexed by the Science Citation Index Expanded (Web of Science), MEDLINE (PubMed), Ei Compendex, Inspec (IET) and other databases. Manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 24 days after submission; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 5.6 days (media value for 2017).


Enabling AI Technologies for Megadata Mining in the Internet of Cognitive Things (SI-AIoCT) Journal

Springer Nature 

Currently, there are many variations and versions of IoT (e.g., Internet of People (IoP), Internet of Sheep (IoS), Internet of Tomato (IoTo), Internet of Drones (IoD), etcetera), to name a few. The rapid advancement in related “data generation/production” tools and technologies have enabled the speedy transformation from “metadata” to “big data”, and lately given rise to the mind-blowing volume of the so-called “megadata”. Megadata necessitates burdensome resources and capabilities in order to aggregate, analyse, visualise and harvest knowledge from collected data. Besides, megadata emitted from the above-mentioned IoT-oriented applications and domains comes in different shapes, sizes, presentations, and formats – depending purely on the application domain and system features. For example, in Internet of Tomato (IoTo), data concerns about best time of implantation of tomato seeds, growth, and the harvesting season etc; whereas Internet of Sheep (IoS) alarms shepherd how much a sheep eats and drinks, or if a sheep is close-by the fence. Obviousley, there is no direct link between the two applications of IoTo and IoS, and their produced data – they work in silos. To address the above specific limitation, the Internet of (Cognitive) Things (IoCT) has been introduced in a bid to allow various ‘sensors-empowered IoT-enabled’ objects/systems with cognitive capabilities, such as reasoning, learning, explaining and acting, to work collaboratively together. This implies that things can build up dynamic communities with their peers’ systems in a business context as/when necessary to respond to emergent situations. The on-trend IoCT works at unlocking the siloed data via exploiting data analysis and mining algorithms of Machine Learning (ML), Artificial Intelligence (AI), deep and reinforcement learning. Thereof, the IoCT promotes obtaining conversant results for consumers as and when required. Notwithstanding, there are still many overlooked issues and challenges that hinder the full realize and benefits of ML and AI for IoCT big data analysis, mining, processing, and prediction. Please visit the special issue journal weblink for more information:
