2008 Paper Submission

Prospective authors are invited to submit full papers electronically in Adobe PDF format through the website of the conferences. Submitted papers must be unpublished and not submitted for publication elsewhere. All papers must be in English and the length should not exceed 8 sides of A4 paper and should conform to the IEEE Format. Submissions in any other document format cannot be accepted.

Accepted papers must be presented in the conference by one of the authors (either virtually or by attending the venue).


Manuscripts will be reviewed by three members of the Program Committee.

All accepted papers will be included in the proceedings.

How to submit papers

If you are an author please submit your papers by e-mailing them to dese08@ljmu.ac.uk. Please, ensure that the e-mail subject is the SAME as the paper’s name and remember to include which symposium the paper submission is for, along with you personal contact details.
