Data Bank Terms and Conditions

Dataset requirements:

Authors can request to publish their dataset with a small description of the dataset containing any relevant publication, images or reports. Datasets should be submitted in Microsoft Excel Format accompanied by the description in Microsoft Word or PDF formats. Upon submission, the dataset description will be made available openly on the website but the dataset itself will be locked with a password and the password will be given to researchers upon registration via the website and request.

Conditions for requesting a specific dataset:

  • An individual application form should be submitted for each dataset. No multiple datasets can be included in a single form.
  • The dataset should only be used for research and non-commercial purposes.
  • The individual requesting the dataset should prove it is for research activities via institutional or organisational email address.
  • Individuals then will be approved upon supplying the relevant information.
  • The dataset can be downloaded with a password that will be sent to the requesting individual as soon as they get approved.

Terms and conditions (e.g. The eSystem Engineering Society is a non-profit Organisation that promotes scientific research related to artificial intelligence, big data, automation and other industry 4.0 application in healthcare and medicine, environment, safety and security and education. We provide datasets for researchers to use in advancing scientific research and for non-commercial purposes. To create an account, you need to agree with the Terms and Conditions. We process your information as described by our Privacy Policy, including the key points below:

  • Data we process when you use eSES datasets to set up an account includes you name, email address and institution/country where we store this information in our database.
  • When you use eSES to write a post, we store the information you create.
  • We collect information about the apps, browsers, and devices you use to access our Services by using different types of technology, including cookies, clear gifs, uploads, or web beacons.
  • Why we process it We process this data for the purposes described in our Privacy Policy, including to: deliver our services, like administering competitions you enter or hosting datasets you upload Improve security by protecting against fraud and abuse, and to send you messages related to eSES or the activities of third parties we work with conduct analytics and measurement to understand how our services are used.