Autonomous Navigation for Quadcopter Type UAVs

This workshop is organised and supported by Geoscan Group, Saint-Petersburg, Russia 

Workshop Chair:

Elena Nikitina, Geoscan Group, Moscow, Russia

Workshop Co-chair:

Lada Gribova, Geoscan Group, Moscow, Russia

Modern UAV is a product of a complex interplay of algorithms and hardware. Stable navigation in various environmental conditions is the result of integration of physical and mathematical models with dedicated feedback mechanisms. Recently, algorithms of global navigation for tasks like aerial photography, clarification of cadastral boundaries, different monitoring tasks, etc. have been developed so far that operator’s role now limited to launching and receiving a UAV when it comes back. Currently, the interest of researches is shifting towards solving local navigation problems.

The workshop gives an idea of ​​the approaches being used in development of navigation mechanisms for quad-rotor type UAVs. Participants will acquire knowledge of precise positioning principles, navigation by radio signals, optical algorithms based orientation and will have an opportunity to develop and test their own autonomous local navigation algorithm on Geoscan Pioneer platform.

To practice knowledge gained in the workshop, in the last day of the workshop, a UAV competition will be held. The equipment will be provided by the organizers. The number of participants – up to 8 teams of 4 people per team.

Target Audience:

Graduate students, postdocs, and research scholars considering careers in robotics, Robotics Science Enthusiasts. Programming skills (any language) are desired. The participants will form up to 8 teams, 2 to 4 people in each team.

Preliminary Schedule:

8/10/2019, 10:30-11:15 – Installation and equipment preparation

8/10/2019, 14:00-18:30 – Workshop educational lectures

9/10/2019, 9:00-13:15 – Practical training

9/10/2019, 14:30-17:30 – Final testing of algorithms and competition between teams


Please note that a notebook with OS Windows is required for this workshop. You can also install the following software in advance:
1) OpenMV IDE
2) Geoscan Pioneer Station
Documentation in English: