Special Session: Smart Sensors and their Applications

Special Session Chairs: Dr. Olga Korostynska (O.Korostynska@ljmu.ac.uk) and Dr. Alex Mason (A.Mason1@ljmu.ac.uk)

Smart sensor systems are becoming well established outside of the research development domain, to the point that it is difficult to imagine, for example, effective environmental monitoring, forensic analysis, or even a routine health check without them. A broad range of industries also benefit from wireless sensors networks due to their ability to simply add remote sensing points, without the cost of running wires, which results in numerous advantages including energy and material savings, process improvements, labour savings, and productivity increases. These sensors are also becoming an important part in areas such as agriculture, health monitoring, and even in natural disaster relief missions and smart sustainable cities. For example, wireless sensor networks allow continuous health monitoring of vulnerable patients, such as elderly and people with dementia. Vital information on patients health indicators can be collected, processed and delivered in real time to a medical or care person in charge, so that immediate actions can be taken if necessary. This approach not only saves billions of pounds to a national healthcare provides, but also offers better quality of service and even saves lives. This Special Issue aims to provide a platform for discussion of developments in Smart Sensors and invites authors to submit high-quality papers on topics which include, but are not limited to:

• Environment monitoring
• Air pollution sensors
• Radiation pollution monitoring
• Sustainable agriculture
• Gas leakage detection
• Water level and pollution detection
• Smart sensors for eHealth Monitoring Real-time monitoring of elderly and patients with dementia
• Novel applications of smart sensors in agriculture and other areas
• Real-time sensors for the food industry