Call for Workshops

The 11th international conference on Developments in eSystem Engineering invites the submission of workshop proposals with a view to encourage in-depth discussion in research fields of current and hot topics in e-Systems Engineering. We are encouraging the submission of all topics related to the focus of DeSE, however workshops which focus on the topic of “Data Science and Internet of Everything (IoE)” will take preference for acceptance.

Workshop proposals should be submitted containing and adhering to the following requirements:

  1. Title of the proposed workshop
  2. Organisers and a short biography of each
  3. A brief description of the technical issues covered and the impact
  4. Names of Speakers and Participants (Proposed or Accepted)
  5. Outline of workshop format:
    1. Days Events including speakers, sessions, panels and activities
    2. Duration (Workshops are scheduled in 2 hour time slots, workshops which require more time slots should provide a full schedule proposal for review.)
    3. Preferred day for workshop
  6. A short description for promotion and publicity plan
  7. Any information about past versions of the workshop (submission rates, URL, number of attendees)

 Deadline: 15th February 2018

Submission for workshop proposals should be emailed in PDF format to the workshop chair:

Qammer H. Abbasi (